Created by a CGI pioneer, Olivier Emery, Trimaran is a Parisian VFX vendor recognized for its 3D animations and visual effects for cinema, series and docu-dramas. For 30 years, our team has been experimenting with digital images, combining real shots, 2D/3D integration, compositing, matte painting and CGI virtual reconstruction.
The studio has been awarded for the VFX of the science fiction film "Blood Machines" by Seth Ickerman, and nominated numerous times at the PIDS, for the film "Le Saut du Diable" by Abel Ferry, the series "Legends of the Pharaons” for Canal+ / Smithsonian, the film “White Soldier” by Erick Zonca, for Canal+ (International Emmy Award).
TPN certification2D Compositing3D/CG Effects3D ModelingCG Environments3D AnimationMatte PaintingOn Set VFX Supervision2D Animation